My passion for creativity and meeting new people is what led me to my career which started in 2003. I went to Phagan's school of hair design just outside of Portland. I then went on to work at Dosha Salon and Spa in Portland where I was educated under some of the top stylists in Aveda. I feel that I excelled at coloring, cutting and styling hair of all types as well as going "outside of the box" when it comes to hair creativity. After a few years of working there, the Navy took my husband and I to Virginia Beach, Virginia where I contined to work in an Aveda salon and began mentoring apprentices in the salon. I have a passion for what I do and try to advance my techniques by taking classes all throughout the year with Redken, Goldwell and Pureology, just to name a few. I also enjoy doing special occasion hair, including weddings. I take pride in my work and I always try to give my clients a relaxing experience during their visit with me. I love to get to know new people and connect with them...doing their hair in the process is an added bonus!

My schedule consists of Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays, however, I am flexible throughout the week, so please don't be hesitant to ask if you need an appointment outside of my regular days or hours. I would also love to connect with my clients on my business facebook page at

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weddings galore!

I am so lucky to have these 2 beautiful brides in my family! Mrs. Johnsen (above) had her beautiful wedding in July 2011 on her grandmother's property. It was one of the first hot days we had in Oregon!
Mrs. Paxson (below) got married to Mr. Ralph Lauren model/Pony Boy/Snowboarder/dare devil crazy man, who happens to be my husband's cousin.(all of those titles fit him)  The hair held up despite the rainy September day. I just love these swept up looks!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Columbia Gorge Salon website

Our Salon website is finally up and running! Check it out and meet our staff!

Magnolia Sea Designs

There has been some unexpected changes with my hobby of making hair accessories! My husband got me hooked up with someone who is opening a consignment shop and was very interested in my hair accessories. I met with her, and she decided to sell some in her store! She is opening a shop called "Consign Couture" in the St. Johns area of  Portland. I guess this hobby of feeding my creativity will make me a little bit of money.  We'll see how it goes!   

I even got some copies of some cute little baby modeling one of my headbands! (The adorable baby is my good friend's little girl)

Since I have made the leap to sell them in one store, what's one more? We now carry them at the salon! Columbia Gorge Salon and Spa has a display of them. So far, they are selling. It helps me to know what people like and what to make more of. 

I am going to be closing down my etsy shop, so if you would like to order, contact me directly. If you are local, you can see what is available at Columbia Gorge Salon. I have a facebook page with albums of my creations.. even if you don't have a facebook, you should still be able to view the photos. And if you do have a facebook, click the "like" button!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hair accessories

I have started making some hair accessories, which include hair clips, headbands and baby headbands. They are fun and add some flair to a casual look! Please feel free to take a look at my Etsy shop.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Facebook page

I am offering a deal on my business facebook page. Anyone who tags me in their status will receive 10% off their next hair service. This will be on going, for every tag, you get 10% off again at your next service. Be sure to "like" me on facebook, that is where the deals will be! (in order to "tag" me in your status, you have to type the "@" sign, then type my business page name which is "Maggie Morgan at Columbia Gorge Salon and Spa" my title should pop up before the sentence is even done.) You have to "like" me before you can tag though. Get to tagging and reap the rewards!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Columbia Gorge Salon and Spa

Here are just some of the photos taken by Mrs. Laura Paulescu. We are in the process of remodeling our website, with new professional photos to go with it as well as staff bios. I will let you know when the website is done. In the meantime, check out the salon facebook page and become a fan by clicking "like" while you are there!

Laura Paulescu- Denver, CO/Portland, OR photographer
Cashmere Photography, LLC

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ombre Hair Color

"Ombre" is a French term meaning shaded. Mainly, it refers to fabrics meaning a gradual change in shade from light to dark or one color to another. It is the newest trend with hair color as you may see many celebrities on the magazines with what can resemble a grown out highlight. Here are some examples:

It can be range from a more subtle ombre to a more contrasting/drastic look. More of the subtle look is what is the most flattering and gives the illusion of sun kissed highlights.  It is actually achieved by "melting color" from the roots down to the ends as it gradually gets lighter. You do not see a line of demarcation as you would see if you just let your highlights grow out. This is perfect for the client who doesn't want high maintenance hair but wants some highlights. You will see this a lot in 2011!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wedding hair tips and styles for 2011

It may seem like it is a little early to start thinking of wedding hair for a summer wedding, but it is actually the perfect time to start thinking about what style and look you are going for. Whether it's needing time to grow the hair a bit or cutting it shorter to make the updo perfect for your wedding day. A lot of people think that longer is better, but that is not always the case. Depending on the style desired, too long of hair can be a burden and make putting the hair up much, much harder. Sometimes, having to hide a lot of hair inside of the updo can really cause a head ache. We may also need to layer the hair depending on the style desired. It will make the hair lighter and give it a good shape for the updo. Talk to me know about what you are wanting and I can help steer you in the right direction as far as length  and shape goes.

About 6 months out is a good time to start achieving the color you want for the wedding.  Sometimes, the desired color requires a few visits to the salon to get it to the perfect shade. In some situations, you don't want to go from dark brown to light blonde in one day... it will be a process to get there, not to mention the stress to the hair.  Going from light to dark, make sure that is done months before the wedding and then refreshed just before the wedding day. 

We want the hair to be as healthy and shiny as it can be on the wedding day. If you color your hair, it is especially important to do a treatment conditioner on your hair once or twice per week. I do deep conditioning treatments in the salon catered to your hair. Ask me about which one is right for you.

Here are some of the top styles we will see for 2011

Gone are the days of a tight french twist or "prom-y" curls on top of the head.
One style that is really trendy now is a low style, which is curled. Some are even pulled to the side of the head. These photos range from a more secured look, to a very loose, undone look (yet very secure- to hold all day and night!)
These styles are modern, yet classy and sophisticated

 Ahh.. the Taylor Swift curl... the curl everyone wants. No one wants ringlet curls anymore. These give a natural wavy look. They require curling the hair in different way than we are all used to. You wrap the hair around the rod of the iron. I have a special iron to create these waves.

Another trend for 2011 is a vintage look. These are finger waves with a modern twist, giving it a looser effect.  

Updo's with braids are also very popular. Braids can be incorporated into a low style like shown or a wavy style that is left all down

This shows styles that are wavy and left all down, or a few pieces pinned back.

Hair accessories are a HUGE trend right now. Whether it's flowers, a vintage broach or a head band, an accessory can add some flair to the 'do.  It is also a great option to dress up short hair that is unable to go up in any way.

It is not too early to start thinking about your hair for your wedding day! I can do bridal hair in the salon or on location for a small travel fee. I also provide my brides with a "bridal emergency kit" which includes extra bobby pins, a travel hairspray and a nail file.

Columbia Gorge Salon and Spa

The Salon now has a Facebook fan page! Please go to and click "like" There will be specials posted from time to time. We are getting ready to launch our new and improved website so stay tuned!